Release Notes - VOLTHA - Version VOLTHA v2.12 - HTML format


  • [VOL-4193] - BBSim should report different UNI port speeds (triggered via CLI)
  • [VOL-4449] - Common error variables
  • [VOL-4475] - Improve Relaxed Decode of table attributes in MIB Upload Next responses
  • [VOL-4484] - Analyze whether we need buffered channels in openolt device_handler for exitChannel, stopCollector, stopHeartbeatCheck and stopIndications
  • [VOL-4761] - Introduce events in the DMI interface to indicate PLUG_IN and PLUG_OUT of OLT Line cards
  • [VOL-4767] - Add basic test and library for BBF-Adapter
  • [VOL-4876] - Configure DHCP server on BNG in Berlin site
  • [VOL-4907] - Update JJB to create a set of debug jobs for Mahir & Serkant, two manual debug jobs keep disappearing.
  • [VOL-4964] - Change the Core Contributors
  • [VOL-4968] - BBSIM change to cli command and event mechanism when sending igmp messages
  • [VOL-4969] - BBSIM store igmpca group addresses to respond to general queries
  • [VOL-4971] - -- create separate checksum files
  • [VOL-4973] - New repository request for igmpca
  • [VOL-4977] - Failure in voltha-protos verification job
  • [VOL-4980] - 2nd grpc channel between igmpca and bbsim
  • [VOL-4983] - voltctl list device meters with traffic shaping info
  • [VOL-4986] - sanity and scale test updates for igmpca integration
  • [VOL-4987] - igmpca voltha-helm-chart integration
  • [VOL-4988] - openolt-agent to forward packets to igmpca
  • [VOL-4992] - Add license file to voltha protos repo
  • [VOL-4998] - 2nd grpc channel between igmpca and bbsim
  • [VOL-5001] - voltha-protos piplines fails
  • [VOL-5018] - Clone unit test for v2.12: periodic-voltha-pm-data-test-bbsim
  • [VOL-5020] - v2.12 release - repo:voltha-helm-charts
  • [VOL-5027] - Build and deploy dhcpl2relay
  • [VOL-5031] - Build and deploy voltha-onos for the v2.12 release
  • [VOL-5039] - Build and deploy mac-learning for v2.12
  • [VOL-5040] - Build and deploy bng for v2.12
  • [VOL-5041] - Clone pipeline periodic-voltha-sanity-test-multi-runs for v2.12
  • [VOL-5052] - v2.12 - build and deploy ofagent-go
  • [VOL-5053] - CLONE - v2.12 - build and deploy voltha-lib-go
  • [VOL-5054] - CLONE - v2.12 - build and deploy voltha-openolt-adapter
  • [VOL-5055] - v2.12 - build and deploy voltha-openonu-adapter-go
  • [VOL-5060] - Debug jenkins failure in build_berlin-community-pod-1-gpon-adtran_1T8GEM_DT_voltha_2.11
  • [VOL-5092] - v2.12 -- verify_bbsim_unit-test reporting failures in the history
  • [VOL-5098] - Triage UNSTABLE job build_berlin-community-pod-1-gpon_TP_voltha_TT_master_test
  • [VOL-5099] - repo:voltha-onos -- verify_voltha_onos_sanity_test failure
  • [VOL-5108] - Job failure in verify_bbsim_sanity-test (job 1213)
  • [VOL-5153] - jenkins: disable failing node/job build_onf-demo-pod_1T4GEM_voltha_master
  • [VOL-5156] - Disable job build_flex-ocp-cord_TP_TT_voltha
  • [VOL-5158] - jenkins node: menlo-soak-pod, temporarily disable pipeline jobs, node is showing offline.
  • [VOL-5176] - Bulk purge branch job pipelines until failure streams are under control
  • [VOL-5180] - installVolthaStack.groovy - enhance polling loop
  • [VOL-5214] - make 'Multi-Tcont Tests' optional in TT tests
  • [VOL-5220] - Create a New Jenkins Job for voltha with VGC
  • [VOL-5226] - repo:voltha-docs -- bulk repair broken https://wiki.onf URLs
  • [VOL-5235] - TT workflow configurations on Berlin Pod 2
  • [VOL-5239] - repo:bbsim - Fix latent linting failures uncovered by a cosmetic patch
  • [VOL-5240] - periodic-voltha-test-bbsim failure
  • [VOL-5241] - Add Zyxel to ONU Vendor list
  • [VOL-5242] - v2.12 triage: bbsim error
  • [VOL-5244] - v2.12 - branch and release voltha-protos
  • [VOL-5245] - v2.12 - branch and release voltha-lib-go
  • [VOL-5247] - v2.12 - branch and release repo:voltha-go
  • [VOL-5249] - error loading onos image in voltha-onos-sanity_test
  • [VOL-5250] - repo:sadis - Problem reported with dep com.fasterxml.jackson.core version
  • [VOL-5251] - v2.12 - branch and release repo:voltha-go
  • [VOL-5252] - Release repo:voltha-openonu-adapter-go, tag and branch
  • [VOL-5254] - Release repo:ofagent-go, tag and branch
  • [VOL-5256] - v2.12 - branch and release repo:voltha-system-tests
  • [VOL-5257] - v2.12 - branch and release repo:voltha-openolt-adapter
  • [VOL-5259] - v2.12 - branch and release repo:voltha-helm-charts
  • [VOL-5262] - repo:voltha-go release problem - could not find version to build
  • [VOL-5268] - v2.12 release - repo:bbsim-sadis-server


  • [VOL-3523] - BBSim doesn't clear the DHCP state machine on DHCP flow removal
  • [VOL-3691] - Stats Collection Issue with Edgecore GPON OLT (ASGvTOLT64)
  • [VOL-4508] - ONOS: evaluation of serial numbers should not be case sensitive
  • [VOL-4521] - Packets arrive on the wrong gem port in the upstream after XGSPON ONU disable/enable
  • [VOL-4698] - Device actual state not visible during device deletion
  • [VOL-4742] - ACL table issue in BAL for FTTB flows.
  • [VOL-4746] - Olt app is removing flows based on the latest Sadis entry
  • [VOL-4798] - voltctl - log configuration for multiple stacks doesn't work
  • [VOL-4927] - omci-lib-go: ONT-G ME alarms are not supposed
  • [VOL-4929] - openonuAdapterGo - memory leak seen in long term tests
  • [VOL-4931] - openoltAdapter: memory leak seen in long term tests
  • [VOL-4934] - omci-lib-go: MIC (AES-128) calculation does not properly support the Extended Message Set
  • [VOL-4963] - Infinite loop during ONU OMCI configuration
  • [VOL-4981] - Memory leaks in openolt adapter
  • [VOL-4984] - voltctl log level list does not display the component open-flow-agent
  • [VOL-4993] - Upon OLT reboot, OLT's OPERSTATUS is observed as "rebooted" and no ONTs are discovered
  • [VOL-4999] - Wrong interval in pm-data
  • [VOL-5046] - Reuse grpc clinet connection in grpc clinet lib
  • [VOL-5104] - BBSIM crashed when adding flows
  • [VOL-5105] - cli label missing for pon ports in BBSIM
  • [VOL-5107] - forced crash during child device detected may result in duplicate device
  • [VOL-5152] - github-release_voltctl
  • [VOL-5165] - Openoltagent getting crashed when ONT is rebooted
  • [VOL-5168] - Odd job failure reported for voltha-openonu-adapter-go
  • [VOL-5171] - Openolt-adapter openolt.proto version to old
  • [VOL-5172] - Olt adaptor trying to add flows to the devices even when the parent olt is not up
  • [VOL-5173] - ONU adapter should be able to handle multiple onu up indication for the same ONU
  • [VOL-5175] - OLT device ports list in ONOS is empty after rebooting the OLT
  • [VOL-5179] - update olt device reason to reconcile time out in case reconcile retry towards olt adaptor gets exhausted
  • [VOL-5184] - olt adaptor will crash in case the child device lost is sent during olt reconcile
  • [VOL-5185] - core should not sent child device lost to olt adaptor in case olt is in reconcile state
  • [VOL-5186] - core takes more than 10 seconds to respond child device not found in case there is about 180 child devices in olt
  • [VOL-5187] - openolt adaptor should not set discovery in progress for a given onu in case the particular discovery request fails
  • [VOL-5188] - if openolt adaptor crashes during olt reboot the olt parent id of olt goes missing from voltha
  • [VOL-5193] - OpenOnuAdapterGo: MIB sync handling fails , when the MIB template has NULL terminated strings.
  • [VOL-5195] - Missing ANI-G Signal Fail and Signal Degrade alarm notification
  • [VOL-5202] - Fix OLT rebooted when OLT is disabled
  • [VOL-5209] - Open onu adapter crashes during delete device
  • [VOL-5210] - Open onu adapter crashes when processing requests and device is deleted
  • [VOL-5212] - Unable to fetch PON RX power for all the ONTs on a PON port .
  • [VOL-5215] - After rebooting ONUs the BBSIM OLT is crashing
  • [VOL-5216] - Handle transition in core during device reboot
  • [VOL-5223] - OpenOnuAdapterGo: Alarm Mgr has to handle unconfigured MEs responses from ONT during Alarm Audit.
  • [VOL-5255] - Use all uplink interfaces not only interface 0 at OLT


  • [VOL-4419] - Apply port-number changes to olt-agent
  • [VOL-4436] - Create proto files for sip profile and voip service
  • [VOL-4444] - Create API for profile in voltha rw-core for profile operations
  • [VOL-4642] - Verify that the RG MAC address changes will affect as fail ping in VOIP and IPTV.
  • [VOL-4643] - Verify that the same RG is connected to different ONUs will fail
  • [VOL-4810] - Document / verify steps required for releasing a voltha dependency on ONOS app.
  • [VOL-4834] - community pod: strange out of space error reported by testing
  • [VOL-4849] - Test suite: status=UNSTABLE periodic-software-upgrade-test-bbsim
  • [VOL-4863] - voltha-helm-chart: make test target is non-functional (~release tag check)
  • [VOL-4905] - voltctl - v1.8.1 available but an older version is still in use (RELEASE)
  • [VOL-4922] - voltha-helm-chart: package with same version exists
  • [VOL-4926] - kail - no longer available: alternative needed
  • [VOL-4974] - bbsim-release job: kind command not found
  • [VOL-5007] - Create jenkins views for the v2.12 release branch.
  • [VOL-5013] - Disable voltha v2.8 jenkins jobs
  • [VOL-5015] - Build and deploy VOLTHA ONOS dep: aaa
  • [VOL-5016] - Build and deploy VOLTHA dep ONOS:sadis
  • [VOL-5017] - ONOS.sadis v5.11.0 deployment was not tagged in github
  • [VOL-5024] - bbsim unit test job reporting status=UNSTABLE
  • [VOL-5028] - Build and deploy igmpproxy for v2.12
  • [VOL-5029] - Build and deploy component olt for v2.12
  • [VOL-5044] - Build and deploy component mast for v2.12
  • [VOL-5047] - Build and deploy ppoeagent for v2.12
  • [VOL-5048] - Build and deploy olttopology for v2.12
  • [VOL-5056] - Build and deploy voltha-onos for the v2.12 release
  • [VOL-5058] - Build and deploy kafka for the v2.12 release
  • [VOL-5059] - Disable voltha v2.8 jenkins jobs: build_menlo-certification-pod-radisys-3200g_1T8GEM_DT_voltha_2.8
  • [VOL-5061] - update release page
  • [VOL-5064] - v2.12 - Build and release repo:voltha-system-tests
  • [VOL-5088] - v2.12 - update voltha.protos version in all go.mod configs
  • [VOL-5094] - test failure: periodic-voltha-memory-leak-test-bbsim
  • [VOL-5120] - Triage failures in jenkins:periodic-voltha-dt-test-bbsim
  • [VOL-5127] - verify_bbsim_sanity-test failure
  • [VOL-5129] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-protos
  • [VOL-5132] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-lib-go
  • [VOL-5134] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-go
  • [VOL-5135] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-openolt-adapter
  • [VOL-5136] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-helm-charts
  • [VOL-5137] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-system-tests
  • [VOL-5139] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-onos
  • [VOL-5140] - Create beta-release branch for voltha-openonu-adapter-go
  • [VOL-5142] - Create beta-release branch for ofagent-go
  • [VOL-5143] - Create beta-release branch for voltctl
  • [VOL-5144] - Create beta-release branch for bbsim
  • [VOL-5145] - v2.12 - verify_bbsim_sanity-test failure
  • [VOL-5146] - v2.12 - voltha-openolt-adapter failure
  • [VOL-5147] - v2.12 - (voltha-go) verify_voltha-go_sanity-test-voltha-2.12
  • [VOL-5148] - v2.12 - (voltha-helm-charts) verify_votlha-helm-charts_sanity-test-voltha-2.12 failure
  • [VOL-5149] - v2.12 - (voltha-onos) verify_voltha-onos-sanity-test-voltha-2.12 failure
  • [VOL-5150] - v2.12 - (voltha-onos) verify_voltha-onos_sanity-test failure
  • [VOL-5151] - v2.12 - (voltha-system-tests) verify_votlha-system-tests_sanity-test-voltha-2.12
  • [VOL-5154] - Triage test failure in periodic-voltha-unitag-subscriber-tt-test-bbsim
  • [VOL-5155] - Triage job failure in periodic-voltha-test-bbsim-2.12
  • [VOL-5157] - verify_bbsim_unit-test failures in history
  • [VOL-5159] - Create beta-release branch for openolt
  • [VOL-5160] - Create beta-release branch for bbsim-sadis-server
  • [VOL-5161] - Create beta-release branch for pod-configs
  • [VOL-5167] - periodic-voltha-test-bbsim: verify latest voltctl release being used
  • [VOL-5177] - v2.12 - verify_voltha-openolt-adapter_sanity-test failure
  • [VOL-5191] - repo:voltha-lib-go -- update voltha-protos to v5.4.10
  • [VOL-5192] - bbsim: update voltha-protos version to v5.4.10
  • [VOL-5233] - Change "ONU_DYING_GASP_EVENT" check to "ONU_DYING_GASP_RAISE_EVENT" in Alarm tests
  • [VOL-5272] - repo:voltha-onos -- check on code review input form Mirko D


  • [VOL-1591] - [BAL3.0 Brigade] OpenOLT driver migrates to BAL v3.0
  • [VOL-3556] - Covers upgrading VOLTHA PODs
  • [VOL-5128] - Create branches and tags for the voltha-2.12-beta branch


  • [VOL-3953] - add tag for triggering pod restart tests on gerrit patch sets
  • [VOL-4563] - Provide better handling of failures in GEM port, alloc id removal so that ONU and OLT are in same state
  • [VOL-4608] - Memory analysis for core
  • [VOL-4610] - Test for memory leaks in ofagent-go
  • [VOL-4639] - TT test cases with GPON OLT/ONU
  • [VOL-4641] - Testing support for Mac-Learner in Voltha for TT
  • [VOL-4685] - Introduce more robust checks in BBSIM similar to what a h/w would do while creating/deleting flow, scheduler, queue objects
  • [VOL-4691] - Expand DMI tests with transceiver plug in and plug out
  • [VOL-4717] - New mechanism needed to support dual resource ranges for Combo PON OLTs
  • [VOL-4739] - openonuAdapterGo: OMCI extended message set - support ONU image status retrieval
  • [VOL-4743] - Scale Test with delete of 1024 ONUs
  • [VOL-4782] - Enchance DMI to include DataValueType in Events and also clarification for Transceiver Events
  • [VOL-4783] - Introduce UploadDebugInformation RPC in DMI
  • [VOL-4788] - Create package in voltha-libs-go for support of prometheus counters in voltha
  • [VOL-4800] - Introduce stats for number of ONUs discovered and activated in openolt adapter
  • [VOL-4801] - Introduce Prometheus stats for omci tx retries and tx timeouts in openonu adapter
  • [VOL-4802] - Introduce stats for time taken to process ONU discovery in openolt adapter
  • [VOL-4803] - Introduce stats for time taken to activate an ONU in openolt adapter
  • [VOL-4804] - Introduce stats for time taken to push the first flow from discovery of the ONU in openolt adapter
  • [VOL-4829] - openonuAdapterGo: Robustness - Test of reconciling openonu-adapter with continuous traffic at real HW
  • [VOL-4877] - Enhance DMI interface to be able to retrieve the Tx Power on the Transceivers
  • [VOL-4878] - Improve the voltha-protos extensions interface to get the Rx Power levels from an OLT
  • [VOL-4949] - Introduce DEVICE_BUSY reason in the UploadDebugInfoStatus DMI message
  • [VOL-4950] - Move the component_uuid from EventsConfigurationRequest to EventCfg of DMI interface
  • [VOL-4951] - Enhance the documentation of the device_uuid returned by StartManagingDevice of DMI
  • [VOL-4952] - Add retry client options to the grpc library in voltha-lib-go
  • [VOL-4953] - Retry for grpc towards core in openolt adapter
  • [VOL-4958] - Introduce protobuf dependencies in DMI for the python testing framework
  • [VOL-4962] - openonuAdapterGo - indication of compatibility issues of ONU during configuration.
  • [VOL-4972] - Changes in openolt adapter to reconcile onu device and pon states
  • [VOL-4985] - IGMPCA component upstream
  • [VOL-5043] - Enhance DMI interface to have CPU/Mem/Disk usage alarms and also NTP synch alarms
  • [VOL-5106] - Enabling grpc retry for interadaptor api calls
  • [VOL-5190] - voltha-protos version should be consistent across all repositories
  • [VOL-5197] - In DMI add QSFP-DD as a form factor for the TransceiverAttributes
  • [VOL-5204] - bbsim crashes if delete is triggered for non existent onu
  • [VOL-5208] - onu adapter will go into race and crash if delete-device and delete gemport from olt adapter happens at once
  • [VOL-5219] - in case voltha core goes down before it gets a chance to fire reconcile to the adaptors it should retrigger the reconcile process once it comes back up
  • [VOL-5236] - onu adapter should gracefully reset vlan config fsm on onu down

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