Type: Bug
Status: Resolved (View Workflow)
Priority: Medium
Resolution: Done
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: VOLTHA v2.1
Component/s: Deprecated - VOLTHA
Story Points:3
Sprint:VOLTHA 2.1 Sprint 5
onos dhcpl2relay-allocations shows dhcp in discover state.
bbsim shows the offer is received from the nni, but that's it.
We found `failure to marshal frame` errors in the openolt adapter log. Matt thinks that the inner vlan tag is not set.
Error logged in bbsim that might provide insight:
time="2019-07-31T22:17:58Z" level=error msg="Could not find onuid in CtagMap100000001map[00000100:900 00000102:902 00000132:950 00000128:940 0000013b:959 0000010e:914 0000011b:927 00000126:938 00000115:921 0000012a:942 00000123:935 0000012d:945 00000109:909 00000112:918 00000117:923 00000108:908 0000010b:911 00000106:906 00000122:934 0000013d:961 00000101:901 0000011f:931 00000120:932 00000135:953 00000137:955 0000013a:958 00000103:903 00000110:916 00000129:941 0000010a:910 00000124:936 0000013e:962 00000131:949 00000138:956 0000013c:960 00000119:925 00000136:954 00000104:904 00000107:907 00000116:922 0000011d:929 00000121:933 00000127:939 0000012c:944 0000012e:946 0000010f:915 00000111:917 0000011a:926 00000133:951 00000139:957 0000013f:963 00000105:905 0000010c:912 0000010d:913 0000012f:947 00000130:948 00000114:920 00000118:924 0000011c:928 0000012b:943 00000134:952 00000113:919 0000011e:930 00000125:937]" cTagMap="map[0000010a:910 00000124:936 0000013e:962 00000131:949 00000138:956 0000013c:960 00000119:925 00000136:954 00000104:904 00000107:907 00000116:922 0000012c:944 0000012e:946 0000010f:915 00000111:917 0000011a:926 0000011d:929 00000121:933 00000127:939 00000133:951 00000139:957 0000013f:963 00000105:905 0000010c:912 0000010d:913 00000114:920 00000118:924 0000011c:928 0000012f:947 00000130:948 00000113:919 0000011e:930 00000125:937 0000012b:943 00000134:952 00000100:900 00000102:902 00000132:950 0000010e:914 0000011b:927 00000126:938 00000128:940 0000013b:959 00000115:921 0000012a:942 00000109:909 00000112:918 00000117:923 00000123:935 0000012d:945 00000108:908 0000010b:911 00000106:906 00000101:901 0000011f:931 00000120:932 00000122:934 0000013d:961 00000103:903 00000110:916 00000129:941 00000135:953 00000137:955 0000013a:958]" gemId=1027 interfaceId=0 oltId=0 onuId=1 serial_number=BBSM00000000 topics="[bbsim.log]"
This error may be being emitted inside bbsim:runmainpktloop() when processing dhcp_in. If so, it could explain why the inner_ctag is not being set.