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  1. SEBA
  2. SEBA-40

Operational Status IGMP Channel




      Operational Status IGMP Channel

      Retrieved Parameters

      1) Number of failed join requests due to insufficient access permission

      2) Number of failed join requests due to insufficient bandwidth

      3) Number of failed join request due to unknown address

      4) Number of seconds of overload protection

      5) Current group number

      6) Number of failed join requests when maximum number of ports would be exceeded for the multicast port

      7) Number of failed join requests when maximum number of ports would be exceeded for the system

      8) Number of failed join requests due to multicast bandwidth limits

      9) Current number of IGMP channel joins

      10) Current number of unconfigured group

      11) Count of the number of general queries that have been transmitted

      12) Count of the number of group specific queries that have been transmitted

      13) Count of V1 membership report requests received

      14) Count of V2 membership report requests received

      15) Count of V3 membership report requests received

      16) Count of received leave requests

      17) Count of valid IGMP packets received

      18) Count of invalid IGMP packets received

      19) Count of unknown IGMP type packets received

      20) Count of IGMP packets dropped because of invalid length

      21) Count of IGMP packets dropped because of invalid IP header checksum

      22) Count of IGMP packets dropped because of invalid IGMP header checksum

      23) Count of group specific queries sent on channel

      24) Count of reports received with wrong mode


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              sonalkasliwal Sonal Kasliwal
              mg876p Michael Gasser
              3 Start watching this issue



                  Gerrit Reviews