c tag:2, s tag:4, uni port:1, nni port:2, tech profile id: 10 ---------------------------------------------- Case: * Mininet with UserSwitch is used to simulate Voltha part * Default Bandwidth Profile is not found (no meter for the trap flow) * Default Technology Profile is used for the trap flow * SADIS config includes c tag, s tag, access device information, tech profile id, upstream and downstream bandwidth profile references * C tag is 4096 (any vlan) * Example SADIS Config { "apps" : { "org.opencord.sadis" : { "sadis" : { "integration" : { "cache" : { "enabled" : true, "maxsize" : 40, "ttl" : "PT1m" } }, "entries" : [ { "id" : "s1-eth1", "cTag" : 4096, "sTag" : 4, "nasPortId" : "s1-eth1", "technologyProfileId" : 10, "upstreamBandwidthProfile" : "High-Speed-Internet", "downstreamBandwidthProfile" : "User1-Specific" }, { "id" : "1", "hardwareIdentifier" : "00:00:00:00:00:01", "ipAddress" : "", "uplinkPort": "2" } ] }, "bandwidthprofile":{ "integration":{ "cache":{ "enabled":true, "maxsize":40, "ttl":"PT1m" } }, "entries":[ { "id":"High-Speed-Internet", "cir":200000000, "cbs":348000, "eir":10000000, "ebs":348000, "air":10000000 }, { "id":"User1-Specific", "cir":300000000, "cbs":348000, "eir":20000000, "ebs":348000 } ] } } }, "devices":{ "of:0000000000000001":{ "basic":{ "driver":"pmc-olt" } } } } Authentication Trap Flow: ---------------------------------- id=ac00002f18dba3, state=ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, duration=5, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=10000, tableId=0, appId=org.opencord.olt, payLoad=null, selector=[IN_PORT:1, ETH_TYPE:eapol], treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], deferred=[], transition=None, meter=[], cleared=false, StatTrigger=null, metadata=METADATA:a00000000/0} Metadata Value (Hex): a00000000 Metadata Value (Binary): 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (Most significant 2 bytes: 0 (inner vlan), next 2 bytes: 10 (tp id), next 4 bytes: 0 (no port info)) Metadata Mask: 0 Downstream Flows ---------------------------------- OLT ------- id=ac000095cba990, state=ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, duration=0, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=1000, tableId=0, appId=org.opencord.olt, payLoad=null, selector=[IN_PORT:2, VLAN_VID:4], treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[VLAN_POP], deferred=[], transition=TABLE:1, meter=[METER:2], cleared=false, StatTrigger=null, metadata=METADATA:1000000a00000001/0} Metadata Value (Hex): 1000000a00000001 Metadata Value (Binary): 00010000 00000000 00000000 00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 (Most significant 2 bytes: 4096 (inner vlan), next 2 bytes: 10 (tp id), next 4 bytes: 1 (uni port)) Metadata Mask: 0 ONT -------- id=ac0000319db19d, state=ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, duration=0, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=1000, tableId=1, appId=org.opencord.olt, payLoad=null, selector=[IN_PORT:2, VLAN_VID:Any], treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[OUTPUT:1], deferred=[], transition=None, meter=[METER:2], cleared=false, StatTrigger=null, metadata=METADATA:a00000000/0} Metadata Value (Hex): a00000000 Metadata Value (Binary): 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (Most significant 2 bytes: 0 (inner vlan), next 2 bytes: 10 (tp id), next 4 bytes: 0 (no port info)) Metadata Mask: 0 Upstream Flows -------------------------------- ONT ------- id=ac0000fb6f690a, state=ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, duration=0, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=1000, tableId=0, appId=org.opencord.olt, payLoad=null, selector=[IN_PORT:1, VLAN_VID:Any], treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[], deferred=[], transition=TABLE:1, meter=[METER:1], cleared=false, StatTrigger=null, metadata=METADATA:4000a00000002/0} Metadata Value (Hex): 4000a00000002 Metadata Value (Binary): 00000000 00000100 00000000 00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000010 (Most significant 2 bytes: 4 (s tag), next 2 bytes: 10 (tp id), next 4 bytes: 2 (nni port)) Metadata Mask: 0 No Action Flow For ONT ------------------------ id=ac0000f4f6d24a, state=ADDED, bytes=203, packets=1, duration=0, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=500, tableId=0, appId=org.opencord.olt, payLoad=null, selector=[IN_PORT:1], treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[NOACTION], deferred=[], transition=None, meter=[], cleared=false, StatTrigger=null, metadata=null} OLT ----------- id=ac0000076e2984, state=ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, duration=0, liveType=UNKNOWN, priority=1000, tableId=1, appId=org.opencord.olt, payLoad=null, selector=[IN_PORT:1, VLAN_VID:Any], treatment=DefaultTrafficTreatment{immediate=[VLAN_PUSH:qinq, VLAN_ID:4, OUTPUT:2], deferred=[], transition=None, meter=[METER:1], cleared=false, StatTrigger=null, metadata=METADATA:a00000000/0} Metadata Value (Hex): a00000000 Metadata Value (Binary): 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (Most significant 2 bytes: 0 (inner vlan), next 2 bytes: 10 (tp id), next 4 bytes: 0 (no port info)) Metadata Mask: 0 Meters ------------ DefaultMeter{device=of:0000000000000001, cellId=2, appId=org.opencord.olt, unit=KB_PER_SEC, isBurst=true, state=ADDED, bands=[DefaultBand{rate=300000000, burst-size=348000, type=DROP, drop-precedence=null}, DefaultBand{rate=20000000, burst-size=348000, type=DROP, drop-precedence=null}, DefaultBand{rate=0, burst-size=0, type=DROP, drop-precedence=null}]} DefaultMeter{device=of:0000000000000001, cellId=1, appId=org.opencord.olt, unit=KB_PER_SEC, isBurst=true, state=ADDED, bands=[DefaultBand{rate=200000000, burst-size=348000, type=DROP, drop-precedence=null}, DefaultBand{rate=10000000, burst-size=348000, type=DROP, drop-precedence=null}, DefaultBand{rate=10000000, burst-size=0, type=DROP, drop-precedence=null}]}