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  2. VOL-5373

OpenOLT Adapter is unable to clean up the OLT device resources when it transitions from REBOOTED to RECONCILING immediately



    • Story Points:


      OpenOLT Adapter is unable to clean up the OLT device resources when it transitions from REBOOTED to RECONCILING immediately which further cause the discovery processing to fail at OLT adapter.


      1)When an OLT is rebooted, while the rwcore is still processing the rebooted state transitions and cleaning up the device resources the adapter hits an exception and causes the the olt adapter to fail cleaning up the resources .

      2)Further, the childDeviceLost calls from rwcore will not be executed as the adapter is reconciling and will be unable to handle those calls. so,The Adapter post reconciling will have the stale device resources and cannot further process discovery indications.

      3)If case is only reconciling ,the reconciling process should go on.

      4)The reconcile device is to handle device reconciliation in concurrent manner,so the system has to initiate the reconciliation process without blocking other operations.


      work around
       -->Identify whether the OLT has transitioned from REBOOTED to RECONCILING when the OLT Indication up is received perform clean up of device resources.

      -->To avoid stale device resources after reconciliation, the adapter must ensure that all device states and resources are refreshed post-reconciliation. This will prevent the system from holding outdated resources and will allow it to correctly process new discovery indications.

      -->If the olt transition is only reconciling ,perform reconciliation for that device.

      -->perform the state transition concurrently, allowing the main function to continue executing without waiting for this transition to complete.

      1) So ensuring proper cleanup handling when transitioning from REBOOTED to RECONCILING, focusing on cleaning up ETCD entries and managing errors in the cleanup process to prevent adapter failure.

      2)So to handle the device post reconciliation and the cleanup the deivce and to avoid the stale device resource .we are going to reinitialize the device handler along with all the resource managers to ensure the system is correctly reset. with proper processing of new discovery

      3)if the case only of reconciling, we will be only doing reconciling and calling only reconcile device.

      4)To maintain the reconciliation of the device ,Handling the device reconciliation in a concurrent manner .By running the transition in a goroutine.


        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            nbiradar Nandita Biradar
            vinokuma Vinod Kumar
            1 Start watching this issue



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